Sunday, October 19, 2014

Life Outside the Box

I still remember the first time my art teacher told me to extend my painting off the canvas. I’m certain the look I gave her was similar to that of my dog’s face when he cocks his head sideways and raises his eyebrows in utter confusion. The canvas is there for a reason! It is the box in which I keep my creativity. I was never allowed to color on the walls or continue my fantastic crayon rainbow drawing onto the table when the paper turned out to be too small. My creativity and talents grew through the years, but only as much as a fish can grow in a tiny bowl of captivity.

Now, taking on the music industry, I feel like I smashed the walls with one of those emergency glass-shattering hammers! The box that I kept myself in all those years is now gone, but I have to learn to grow outside the box! I’ve tested the waters, like Nemo’s dad swimming out of the anemone and then back in, out and back in, to check if it’s safe, if I'm comfortable. Honestly, that’s exhausting and it takes way too much time. Sure, there are sharks in the water, but unlike clown fish, I won’t be literally eaten. It's time to swim out, all fears and past constraints aside!

When I chose to do music full-time, while living on savings (no income), I had a grand and unconventional plan. Things didn’t go quite to plan and I began to worry and constantly criticize myself. I gained weight, started drinking more often, and fell into a constant state of turmoil. My head was always racing about what I’d done wrong and what I could do to make up for it. However, looking back, I’m amazed at the things I’ve done and how far I’ve come! That realization was like a switch turning back on and I was back to my happy, positive, optimistic self, including working out regularly, enjoying time with friends, and writing songs that made me feel something!

Tomorrow morning, I drive off into the sunrise, heading east. First to Kentucky, then Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, DC, Virginia, and North Carolina. It’ll just be me and my guitar this time around, something I never would’ve attempted previously. I’m jumping outside the box!

I’ll be doing what some may call unconventional; I’m calling “never done before”. I’ve mapped out 32 county fairs that have major country artists performing at them with no opening acts and that I would love to play at! I’ll be hand delivering baskets with cookies, a few merchandise items, a DVD, CD, and press kit, decorated in my brand, signature teal color, and a little burlap.

I’ve gotten some push back about this, saying that it’s probably just going to end up in the garbage and never make it past the gatekeepers, but I just don’t believe that. If I did, I wouldn’t be putting so much into it. The thing is, I’ve worked in my own hometown fair’s admin office. The people who work there are not music business people, who have strangers coming door to door handing out CDs, like on music row. They’re good people with warm hearts, who work for the fair, because they love it! It’s a family.

I truly believe there is something great in eye-to-eye conversation and that’s not something I can accomplish over the phone or through e-mail. I want to show who I am as a person, so I can show my genuine self. This, along with my unconventional, but thoughtful press kit, will be the key in building mutually beneficial relationships with the fairs. If you're still unsure of my "never been done" plan, check out the below statistics! 

(I LOVE PIE CHARTS!!!...and not just because pie is delicious!)

One big pink streak of paint off the canvas!!! Life outside the box isn’t easy, but it’s the high and low moments in life that make it worth living. I choose to go beyond what’s “normal” and “expected” and live my life outside the box.

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