Friday, July 10, 2015

You Are All Awesome! Thank you!

I am blown away when I speak with an event coordinator or venue owner and they tell horror stories of nobody artists who bring a list of demands to the table. The artist gives attitude about breaks, stage setup, and attendance and the venue is left with a seriously bad taste in their mouth and the artist walks away unhappy and complaining.

This is a terrible lose-lose situation, when it so easily could have been a win-win. As an independent artist, it’s my responsibility to book shows and make sure the venue, my band, and my listeners are all happy. The sure fire way to ensure this is by having gratitude. It’s a big word that carries a lot of meaning. Gratitude.

When I start to think gratitude and express gratitude, relationships are instantly built, walls are broken down, deals are done, and I am even more thankful than when I walked in. Now, I understand that you may not also be an independent artist, but I felt it was so important to write about this, because it affects us all!

That person you work with that always seems to have a chip on their shoulder…the barista at a coffee shop who is clearly having a pissed off day and leaves a bad taste in your mouth, no pun intended, haha…your girlfriend/boyfriend/spouse/roommate that did that thing again that really annoys you. We run into negativity everyday in ourselves as well as others. Now, let pride roll off your back and turn it around:

At work, imagine saying, “Bob, you look really sharp today. I really like that tie and great work on the Ninja report. I hear that it’s going over very well upstairs!” You’d feel pretty good about yourself for putting that positivity and happiness on someone else right?! Plus, Bob might just respond with a smile! Weird, right!

At the coffee shop, imagine asking with a smile, “How’s your day going? It looks pretty busy in here!” Do you really think you’re going to get a pissed off response? And if you do, just say, “Well, I hope your day gets better”. By now, the barista has to at least flash a smile. J You feel good about yourself and can take that first sip of wonderful coffee with a smile.

At home, think to yourself, ‘You know what, I love my boyfriend and ya, he does this thing that annoys me, but it’s not on purpose and he also deals with my makeup and hair all over the bathroom. Plus, in the grand scheme of things, this is minor. It’s not worth fighting about or stressing about and I am so thankful to have such a great person in my life. I’ll just clean it up and go on being happy about us.’

Imagine how your life would change! With all this happiness, positivity, and gratitude, it’s going to be hard to stay upset about the minor things or let someone else’s negativity affect your day. And when it does, because we can’t always be chipper, we just remind ourselves of all the wonderful things in our life that we’re thankful for.

Gratitude is a magical thing. Instead of thinking how this person shouldn’t be doing xy&z to YOU, instead think what you can give to them and be thankful for everything that you have to be happy about. Give it out. Happiness and gratitude are not commodities that run out. They multiply like bunnies!

Have a fantastic day! Check back with you soon!

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